There is only one happiness in life -- to love and to be loved.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Loving Life!

Wow! I can't believe it is already the middle of July.  Time has gotten away from me and I haven't posted in a month or two.  We have been SO BUSY this summer.  It is crazy how busy I feel even though I do not have a typical job (because trust me being a stay at home mom (SAHM) is a full-time job)!  We have been to countless t-ball games, weddings, graduations, and a family reunion.  It has all been a blast!  

I am loving life right now.  I thought I loved life before Kinsey, but wow, she has changed my life.  I'll be honest.  I never thought I would be SAHM material.  I thought I would go crazy!  My future goals were career oriented, and I thought even after I had kids I would be able to balance a career and children.  Can this be done... of course!  People do it everyday, but God doesn't have that in his plans for me.  I am truly "letting go and letting God" at this point in my life.  I won't go into details, but deciding to be a SAHM was truly a decision Ryan and I made in faith.  Faith that God has led us to this decision and will provide and guide us in raising Kinsey.  

I am in awe of how Kinsey has changed our lives.  We just can't get enough of her!  Some days, the days don't seem long enough.  When I put Kinsey down to bed I feel like there wasn't enough time in the day.  I miss her, her smiles, and big personality when she goes to bed.  I look forward to waking up to her big smiles every morning and spending the day watching her grow and learn new things.  I can't imagine being gone and missing these moments.  These four months have flown by and Kinsey is growing and changing so fast.  I am so blessed and thankful to have such a hardworking husband who supports and encouraged me to stay at home with Kinsey.  Right now, our family is truly living and loving life.

Below:  This was Kinsey's first time to go to a t-ball game.  Jed was cracking me up.  He was photo bombing the picture and knew he was doing it!

Below:  Tad scoring a run!

Below:  I just love her tiny hands.

Below:  Kinsey thinks she always needs to be sitting up!  She grunts and lifts her head trying to sit up.

Below:  Full of smiles for Grandma!

Below:  Snuggles with my girl.

Below:  Kinsey always has big smiles for Poppa and Gigi.

Below:  Poppa Dale came to visit us!

Below:  Sweetest picture ever!

Below:  Daddy reading Kinsey some Bible stories.

Below:  Kinsey hanging out with Aunt Ashley.

Below:  Addison climbing on the porch at Grandma's house.

Below:  family picture!

Below:  Full of grins for Papa.

Below:  More grins for Gigi!

Below:  Madison is two!  She received big girl panties for her birthday and was so excited that she wanted to put them on right then!

Below:  Grayson turned five!  He is getting so big so fast!

Below:  My girl is just so precious.

Below:  I just love these little feet!

Below:  Oliver says "talk to the paw!"

Below:  I take snuggles anytime I can get them.  Kinsey is quite the independent little lady.

Other big news.... I have a new nephew!!!  Met William Reinschmiedt was born on June 6, 2014.  Below are some pictures of his big day!

Below:  Ava and Jed loving on Kinsey in the waiting room.

Below:  Tad is a pro at holding babies.

Below:  Tad snuggling with his Momma.

Below:  Jed cheesing and checking out his Momma's bracelets.

Below:  Met's credentials!

Below:  Proud Uncle Ryan.

Below:  I just love this little guy.

Below:  Lisa taking a turn.

Below:  Poppa Dale meeting Met.

Below:  Grandma checking Met out.

Below:  Addison and Grandma discussing Met.

Below:  Mom and Dad looking Met over.

Below:  Kinsey is really starting to reach and grab a hold of things.  This elephant frustrates her because she can't get the stars in her mouth.  I ended up taking it off and just giving it to her.

Below:  We received a really neat gift at our baby shower.  It is a frame that you can put a hand print in.  Note to self with future children... do it when they are a newborn!  K had ink all over the place and kept trying to suck on her hands.  Here K's mouth is open as she is trying to get her hands in and Ryan is keeping her from it.  We did get a good print after a couple of tries.

Below:  Loving on Met again!  I think he was about a week old.

Below:  This year the Ward Reunion was held in Arlington Texas at Uncle Tom's house.  We always enjoy the Ward Reunion and Uncle Tom is a hoot!

Below:  I have family near Arlington so we got to see them too!  Thanks Gene and Della for the fish fry!  Toby (the dog) just couldn't figure out Kinsey.

Below:  Thanks Jimmy, Genise, and Kamryn for watching Kinsey while we had our dinner at the reunion.  It was great to see you all!

Below:  Tad and Uncle Ryan and one of his t-ball games!

Below:  K has mastered the art of thumb sucking.

Below:  Grandma Brenda's lap is full!

Below:  Ainslie and Grandma hanging out!

Below:  Oliver is starting to warm up to Kinsey.

Below:  Kinsey and I took a nap one day instead of doing laundry which resulted in Kinsey not having any pajamas to wear... so this is what we came up with.  

Below:  Kinsey and Morgan had a play date!  We caught them holding hands.

Below:  This is truly the kind of mood Kinsey is in most days.  This girl always is full of grins.

Below:  Kinsey LOVES bath time.  Here K and the rubber ducky were in a stare down. 

Below:  Kinsey taking after her Grandma Brenda trying to get into the Reese's candy!

Below:  Every time Kinsey see herself in the mirror she grins real big. 

Below:  Kinsey has landed on the moon!  Continental Resources company summer event was held at the Oklahoma Science Museum.

Below:  Our dear friend Patrick came to see us!

Below:  Kinsey and Ainslie are only three months apart!  I'm sure there is trouble in their future!

Below:  Addison jumping on Grandma's bed!

Below:  Rusty came to see us!  It had been FOREVER since we have seen this guy!

Below:  Wait....what?  You mean I'm not supposed to sit up in this thing?

Until Next Time

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