There is only one happiness in life -- to love and to be loved.

Monday, May 12, 2014

I'm a Mom!

Posted: 2014-05-12

As I was peering over Kinsey's crib tonight watching her sleep, I began to reflect on Mother's Day and how much my life has changed since becoming Kinsey's mother.

I looked up Mom/Mother in the dictionary and it stated: 
- a female parent
- a woman in authority; specifically: the superior of a religious community of women: an old or elderly woman
- maternal tenderness or affection

While yes, I do agree with the above definition, being a mother involves so much more.

The thought of being a Mom scared me.  It scared me long before Ryan and I ever thought about having children.  Not to mention the whole pregnancy thing being scary, but how much life would change once we had children.  I was so used to my own routine and being able to do what I wanted when I wanted that throwing a child into the mix scared me.

You see, the unknown has always scared me... There was no way to know how having a child would change my life.  I was even afraid I wouldn't like being a mother one second and then the next excitedly decorating her room.  I was emotionally all over the board.  

What I have learned though is now I can't imagine life without Kinsey.  There is no amount of money in the world you could give me to get my life back without her.  My love for Kinsey is truly indescribable, one only a parent knows.  Kinsey has brought Ryan and I even closer as a family. I am in awe of him and how wonderful of a father he is.  He is so involved and I am so excited to continue to watch Kinsey and his bond grow throughout the years.

What is important to you changes once you have a child.  Your priorities change and what you visioned your life to be like changes.   What was important to you before now no longer matters... at least to me anyways. 

All I know is being Kinsey's Mom is the 
best job in the world!

I also want to take this time to not only say Happy Mother's Day to my Mom, but to thank her for everything she has done for me.  I haven't even begun to understand the sacrifices she has made for me as a Mother.  What I do know is I hope I am as good as a Mom to Kinsey as you have been to me.  Mom, I love you so much and truly appreciate you.  I want to be just like you. 

Below:  This picture was taken the day Kinsey left the hospital.  Still rocking the jaundice tan.

Below: First family picture at home.

Below:  Kinsey was one week old in this picture.  I promise she is not giving you the finger.

Below:  My Mom came and stayed with us the first week.  I don't think we would have survived without her!!  

Below:  Kinsey just hanging out being cute. 

Below:  Our first trip to Grandma's Friday Night Dinner!!

Below:  BIG yawn!!!

Below:  Another family picture at Grandma's house!!

Below:  Tummy time fail!!!  Her strong little legs pushed her right on over her pillow!

Below:  Kinsey is six weeks old in this picture.

Below:  Kinsey met the Easter Bunny!

Below:  Bath time fun!!  ROAR!!!

Below:  Ok Mom... that is enough pictures!  Love that furrowed brow.

Below:  Rocking the Bumbo!!

Below:  Kinsey was baptized on May 4.  Thank you to everyone who attended!

Below:  Kinsey's precious smile.  I just can't get enough of her!!!

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