Like most everyone else, we have been hit with some big time snow! Last night about 12 inches came in overnight, and last week we had 4-5 inches of snow. I really only like the snow if I am on top of a mountain and skiing down. In fact, I truly think that anything below 80 degrees is too cold. Ryan and I both stayed home today and did not attempt our commutes to work. By tomorrow, if we can make it out of Garber, we should be good to go.
Ryan and I watched the Super Bowl last weekend at a co-workers house. In fact, we had a big department Super Bowl party! We had so much fun... and the team I was cheering for won! Dave got me an official Cheese Head from Lambeau Field when he went on vacation last year so it was only appropriate I cheer for the Packers, and of course I wore it. Thank you Dave and Kay for letting us into your home and for hosting such a wonderful party. We had so much fun!
Tad will now say most everyones name... it is so cute:
Ashley - Momma
Bryan - Dadda
Ava - Sissy
Grandma Lou - Gigi
Grandpa Jack - Poppa
Grandma Brenda - Gma (he tries to say Grandma)
Ben - Ten
Angie - G
Addison - Add
Jacob - Cub
Ryan - Ry
Julie - Ju
Lisa - Sa
Below are some recent pictures...
Below: Sweet little hands playing Itsy Bitsy Spider.
Below: The crazy horse is sneaking up the other way. His little screeches and giggles were so cute!
Below: Whew... found a hiding place... but not for long!
Below: The horse found him again!
Below: Angie and the horse got in the action another night. This series of pictures are so cute... thanks Ryan.
The horse had been chasing Tad around the house and Tad "thought" he found a hiding place. (Notice Angie and the horse in the background.)
Below: Tad thinks he is still safe...

Below: But the darn horse found him! Too cute!

Below: Tad and his Momma were checking out a photo album (from December 2009... I am a year behind AGAIN)

Below: Addison is such a sweetie and has the cutest little personality.

Below: Poppa loving on Ms. Addison.

Below: Gigi has the special touch and has put Ava asleep.

Below: Tad was sharing his toys with Addison.

Below: Ava is all packed up and ready to go!

Below: Addison hanging out in the Bumpo.

Below: Tad thought is was really neat that his toys would stick to his bike.

Below: What a cute family!

Below: Ava has big beautiful eyes... those boys better watch out!

Below: Ava rolling over!

Below: Tad thinks our entertainment center is really fun.

Below: Tad helping Ryan open something we got in the mail.

Below: Tad giving some love to Addison.

Below: Grandma and Addison hanging out.

Below: Ava posing for the camera... she looks a little sleepy.

Below: Poppa and Tad LOVE their licorice!

Below: Grandma loving on Ava!
Below: But the darn horse found him! Too cute!
Below: Tad and his Momma were checking out a photo album (from December 2009... I am a year behind AGAIN)
Below: Addison is such a sweetie and has the cutest little personality.
Below: Poppa loving on Ms. Addison.
Below: Gigi has the special touch and has put Ava asleep.
Below: Tad was sharing his toys with Addison.
Below: Ava is all packed up and ready to go!
Below: Addison hanging out in the Bumpo.
Below: Tad thought is was really neat that his toys would stick to his bike.
Below: What a cute family!
Below: Ava has big beautiful eyes... those boys better watch out!
Below: Ava rolling over!
Below: Tad thinks our entertainment center is really fun.
Below: Tad helping Ryan open something we got in the mail.
Below: Tad giving some love to Addison.
Below: Grandma and Addison hanging out.
Below: Ava posing for the camera... she looks a little sleepy.
Below: Poppa and Tad LOVE their licorice!
Below: Grandma loving on Ava!
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