There is only one happiness in life -- to love and to be loved.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Year's Eve & Ava's Baptism

Posted: 2011-01-19

The Ward/Reinschmiedt etc. family has been sick this past week. Tad got sick, followed by Ashley, Bryan, Mom, Ben & Angie, and finally Ryan and I. Fortunately it is just a quick 12 hour type of thing... but for three or four of those hours it is complete misery. I will spare you any details... We all are hoping Grandpa, Grandma, and Jacob are spared this sickness. Addison and Ava spent some extra time with Grandma Brenda while their parents were sick, and their doctor says they should be fine and should not get sick.

I remember growing up we always had a New Year's Eve party at Grandpa and Grandma Hermanski's house. We would get there in the afternoon, have dinner, and then the games began! We always started out with Bingo... and we made sure everyone won and received a prize. Throughout the evening many more games were played and many more prizes were given. We would turn on the television as midnight drew near and began the countdown. We all had party hats on and loud noise makers in our mouth waiting for midnight to strike. We counted down 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! We then proceeded (kids only) to parade and run around the house blowing our noisemakers and scaring Grandma's cat to death (she didn't really die). Then we would have breakfast! Bacon, eggs, sausage, pancakes... the works! All of us kids would then sleep on the living room floor and the parents would head home.

The next day we ate black-eyed peas to bring us good luck during the year. Grandpa would always hang money on their light over the table. We would fill a bowl full of beans and then all take turns guessing how many beans were in the bowl. Someone would then count them and the person closest to the actual number of beans won the money! While we don't have sleepovers anymore, we still get together every year and eat black-eyed peas. Grandpa and Mom put money out for the contest... and I lose the contest every year. What a fun tradition we have.

Below: Tad was helping me make a dessert New Year's Eve. He was helping me push the cookies into the pudding.

Below: There might have been some finger licking going on also...

Below: Gigi loving on Ava. If you have a fussy or tired baby just bring them to Gigi. Ashley and Angie says she has the magic touch and will put them right to sleep.

Below: Ava looks so comfortable. She is growing so fast!

Below: Ben and Angie arrived with Addison and Tad immediately wanted to hold her. He then decided he wanted to share his balloon with her!

Below: Tad loves to watch nursery rhymes on the computer. A few of his favorites are Itsy Bitsy Spider, Row Row Row Your Boat, Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush, Heads and Shoulders Knees and Toes, and many more!

Below: Bryan was dancing and singing Itsy Bitsy Spider to Addison and she was just grinning like crazy at him!

Below: Mom and Tad were doing Itsy Bitsy Spider! Yes that is a horse on the screen. The Itsy Bitsy Spider we watch goes through many different adventures!

Below: Mom loving on Addison.

Below: Addison was cheesing it up for Grandma and Gigi.

The following pictures are from New Year's Day.

Below: Tad wanted to hold both of the girls. He was so proud of himself and this picture is absolutely adorable!

Below: Addison has it figured out already. "What happens at Grandma's stays at Grandma's"

Below: Aren't these just two of the cutest little girls you have seen?!?!

Below: We were trying to get Tad to pose by them and this is as close as we got.

Below: Uncle Ben was fixing Addison's swing and Tad was helping. Too cute!

Below: Uncle Ben's new game with Tad. Ben puts Tad on the headboard and he jumps off to him. Tad thinks it is the neatest thing ever!

Below: Tad having some dessert with his Momma!

Below: Tad thought all of the animals needed to take a nap so we laid them all on their side. We then had to lay down by them and pretend to rest also.

Below: New Year's day Apples to Apples action!

Below: January 2 Ava was baptized.

Below: Just precious. Ava did not even make a sound.

Below: On their way to communion. I couldn't see it from where I was taking pictures, but Tad knows how to wink and apparently throughout the entire baptism Tad was looking back at the family and was winking.

Below: Tad helping Addison with her paci... he looks pretty ornery in this picture.

Below: Grandpa Vic and Grandma Mel enjoyed some time with Ava.

Below: We were so happy Vic and Mel were able to come to Ava's baptism and have lunch.

Below: Grandma Mel handing Ava over to Gigi.

Below: Addison was a tired girl!

Below: It was so funny. Tad was having dessert with Grandpa Vic, and Grandpa Vic got to talking and didn't realize Tad was trying to take a bite and kept moving the fork farther away from Tad's mouth.... resulting in the picture below.

Below: Which then created a really good laugh!

Below: Ashley opening Ava's Baptism gifts.

Below: Tad trying on my heels.

Below: Tad playing football. He just loves his football helmet!

Below: Angie loving on Addison.

Below: Ashley loving on Ava.

Below: Bryan and his little girl. They both look pretty relaxed.

Until Next Time:

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Christmas 2 - 3

Post Date: 2011-01-15

I started class back up this past Monday. This class is called Human Capital Management and it is all about Human Resources!! We primarily just had introductions and a short discussion (we were still there until 9:00pm) but I think I am really going to like it! From what I can tell right now this class will not be near as stressful as last semester... and dare I say I think it will be fun! There is only one downside. The class is on Monday night so I will be missing Monday night dinners. I will miss seeing everyone those nights, but it sounds like I will have a lot more free time than last semester (and not even close to as many weekends) so I will be able to play catch-up during the week.

Ryan and I had a date night tonight. It was fun. We had not been on a date night in a long time. Our date night consisted of going out to eat and getting ice cream. It was fun, and it was fun catching up on some things. I know I know we live together so what would we have to catch up on. These date nights give us time with one another with no distractions, TV, etc. where we focus on one another. We talk about work, our family, our dreams, and the future. It is fun.

Tonight I decided that my next mission will be to foster animals. I have always wanted to work with animals. I thought about being a vet but I did not want to have to work on the inside of animals. If I did not find a job, or one that I liked, upon graduating I was going to go to a vet technician school. I can't work at a rescue because I would want to take them all home with me and save them all. Especially knowing many animals get put down because they cannot find homes for them. So, tonight I decided my next mission in life when the time is right will be to foster animals until they find a home.

As you all know, Louie passed away in October. I posted this picture on Facebook so many of you may have already seen it. We decided to put Louie down, and the OSU Vet Clinic sent me this amazing gift with Louie's little foot prints. What kind and caring people they are about the animals AND their owners. I treasure this gift and the kind words they sent me.

And now onto Christmas 2 - 3. Ryan and I spent December 26 with his family in Perry. Mike and Megan came down the weekend before and we celebrated Christmas with them during that time. December 27 we spent Christmas in Tulsa at my Dad's house with his family. Below are pictures from our celebrations.

Below: Alyssa posing for the camera. She is looking so grown up these days.
Below: Ryan and Grayson have become buddies these days. They are so cute together.

Below: Alyssa was showing me a new game she got. It is about identifying the 50 States. Won't be long until she has mastered this game.

Below: G-Baby is fearless these days. Here he is jumping off of the chair. (I think the TV says GIRLIES... Kelly what are you watching??? BAHAHAHA)

Below: Grayson loving on his Momma. It was about time for a nap.

Below: It was FINALLY time to open presents. Alyssa had been waiting for days to open presents.
Below: Ryan got an OSU hat from Erica.

Below: Kelly got me an 11x14 frame (that I later broke the glass) and warm socks and my favorite lotion! Hard to beat the fancy perfume he got me last year.

Below: Kelly got an OSU t-shirt. GO POKES!

Below: Marianne got this really neat wall hanging from Kirk.

Below: Alyssa said "Purdue Daddy just like you!"

Below: Kirk and Marianne got Ryan and I a Garmin. BEST THING EVER!!! I am the worst person ever when it comes to directions and driving in the city.

Below: Greg got mats for his car!

Below: Kirk is watching all the action.

Below: Alyssa was SO EXCITED to open this gift. I honestly do not think I have ever seen her this excited. She got a Spongebob guitar.

Below: Kelly was showing Alyssa how to play the guitar.

Below: Kirk was helping Alyssa out with the guitar.

Below: Marianne was helping Alyssa out with a puzzle before nap time.

Below: I have no idea what Greg and Grayson were doing here but they look like they were being silly.

Below: Grayson was taking a nap when it was time to open presents so now it was his turn.

Below: Grayson was tearing into his gift!

Below: Alyssa was helping Grayson out and getting the next gift ready for him to open.

Below: Grayson was really into this hammering toy.

Below: Marianne and Grayson were being silly.

Below: We think Pudge may need to go to rehab. He looks like a drug kitty with the white stuff on his nose.

Below: G-Baby likes the guitar too!

Below: I can see it now. Alyssa on stage singing with her Spongebob guitar.

Below: I think Kelly might have been losing this one.

Below: Grayson and Grandpa working on turkey puzzle.

The next day we went to Tulsa to my Dad's house.
Below: Tad was helping Angie give Addison a bath.

Below: Addison is such a sweetie. Getting all cleaned up for the party!

Below: Tad and Ashley were having some appetizers before lunch.

Below: Saunders and Ben are the official struddle makers.

Below: We were in the other room and someone said "Julie take a picture of Bryan and his boots" so I did.

Below: Some of the crew hanging our before lunch.

Below: Ryan and Addison watching the struddle action.

Below: Kamryn is Tad's new best friend. He has so much fun with her. It was so cute. Ryan and I walked in the door and Tad had to show Kamryn to us.

Below: Tad and Kamryn enjoying the appetizers.

Below: The Reinschmiedt siblings plus Ava and Tad.

Below: Marilynn with Ava.

Below: Ben was helping Tad pet Jack, Saunders and Jordan's dog.

Below: Angie and Addison watching the action.

Below: Tad thought Grandpa's motorcycle was pretty cool.

Below: Grandpa started it up for Tad... which meant he could honk the horn.

Below: Tad really wanted to go for a ride. He kept pointing outside.

Below: Genise and Tad were inspecting the tree and ornaments.

Below: Kamryn was buddies with Addison too!

Below: Jordan was helping Tad get his new cars out of the package.

Below: Billy and Debbie opening gifts.

Below: Some more of the crew opening gifts.

Below: Tad got a tractor from Grandpa. He immediatly had to try out his tools on it. Tad got tools from his Mom and Dad, Ralph Stowers, and Chuck and he takes them everywhere with him and always has at least one in his hand. He even takes them to bed with him. Too cute.

Below: Lynn and Myra opening gifts.

Below: Ashley snuggling with Ava.
Below: Bryan was inspecting the hitch on the tractor.
Below: Angie and Ben were helping Addison try out her new Bumpo seat.

Our Christmas celebrations this year were great. Not because we got great gifts (we did) but because we spent them with family.

Until next time:
