I don't have an obsession with turtles, and I have never owned one. I'm not sure where all of this is coming from... but here we go! On my way home from work today, I saw "Andy" pictured below trying to cross the road. I decided that since I was on a rural road and no one was coming I would put the car in park and help the little guy out. Who knew??? Maybe 2 miles down the road someone would be driving along and accidentally hit the little guy! So there I was, squatting in the middle of the road admiring this turtle. I grabbed my camera and decided I would document my find. I then went back to my car and grabbed the ice scraper and proceeded to push the scared turtle into the ditch. He peered at me with his little beady eyes wondering who I was and what the heck was going on. As you will see below... he came out of his shell and wondered back into the field. Andy is SAFE!!!
I decided I would start a project and start documenting all the turtles I find that I help escort across the road. So... Project Turtle: The Ultimate Recovery of Turtles Lives Experiment has saved its first turtle!!!
You may be thinking... ok has she completely lost her mind?!?! Maybe... but when I think of little Andy it makes my heart happy knowing that tomorrow when I am driving home I won't see him smashed all over the road.
(Disclaimer: I can hear the lectures coming already. "Julie, it is not safe to stop in the middle of the road and look at a turtle." I promise you this... I will not stop in an unsafe place to save a turtle. My life is more important than the turtle (although the turtle may argue that assumption). Rest assured, all turtles and humans involved in this project will not me harmed.)

Ryan and I are very fortunate to live so close to our niece and nephews (soon to be nieces!!! Ben/Angie AND Bryan/Ashley are BOTH having girls!!!!) With that in mind, I love watching Ryan interact with them. He is so good with them and they all just love him. I know that when we decide it is time for us to have kids that he is going to be an excellent father who is very involved and active in their lives. I love that quality about him. That is just one of the MANY things I love about him.

Below: Tad has really enjoyed Keiffer being down. Not sure what he is going to do when his buddy heads back to California!!

Below: Notice anything odd about this picture?!?! I was getting Cebu ready for Tad to watch while I got his clothes and DIAPER on. Important step I missed... diaper THEN Cebu. Yep, he is peeing!

Below: Just having a good time outside.

Below: Tad likes to drive things these days... or at least pretend to drive. He makes all the proper noises and everything! He also knows how to honk the horn. I am surprised that we did not get the cops called on us that day. He was laying on that horn!!