There is only one happiness in life -- to love and to be loved.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Kinsey the Explorer

Life has been so busy lately!  Besides all the activities and events we have had going on lately, Kinsey has been keeping me on my toes too!

We have been to graduations for college, kindergarten, and preschool family members.  We have welcomed three new nieces to the family... and have one more niece coming in August and another niece or nephew in November!!  Ry and I's family is really expanding this year... although we are not a part of this expansion lol.  If it would ever stop raining there are t-ball games we would like to go to also.  

In addition to all of the above (and much more not mentioned) I have started a new "job".  I call it a job very loosely because it really is a gig that gets me out of the house for awhile and is something I enjoy.  An added bonus is I get paid to do it!  I have started working Tipsy Artist parties.  (Check them out at I primarily work the home shows in Guthrie and work four to five times a month.  It is perfect for me and basically I tell them when I am available and they let me know when they need my help.  It really is a lot of fun and you should give it a try if you have never attended a party before.  Even if you have no artistic abilities like me... it really is a lot of fun.

Below are just a few adventures K and I have been on lately.  Kinsey is quite the explorer and I pretty much let her explore everywhere that is safe.  We spend a lot of time outdoors.  We have some awesome neighbors that don't mind if Kinsey explores in their yard too.  

Below:  K and I went to the OKC Zoo with Morgan and her Mom Kim.  They are good friends of ours and Morgan is seven weeks younger than K.  I foresee lots of fun in our future with them!

Below:  Morgan was rocking her hat. She is so adorable and so much fun!

Below:  Watch out world.  K is learning to drive.  Well, she pushes the button to make the four wheeler go and I steer it.

Below:  K playing outside.  She is so cute in hats... but really I am afraid her pale head will burn.

Below:  I really probably should not let her do this, but I let her pull the flowers off the plants in our flower beds.  She does know that she can only pull the flowers in our flower bed and not the neighbors flower beds which we visit often.

Below:  K's fishy face.

Below:  Sometimes we eat dirt while we are exploring...but only when Mom doesn't catch me fast enough.

Below:  Checking out the bark on the one tree in our neighbors yard.

Below:  K loves to visit our neighbors house and throw the rocks out of their flower beds.

Below:  Our neighbor came out and caught Kinsey in the act!

Below:  Such a serious look for K.

Below:  K loves to play in her sandbox.

Below:  For Mother's Day we got Grandma some Katy's Pantry cookies.  K delivered the card to Grandma and was supposed to take her the cookie.  I think Grandma maybe got one bite of that cookie.  Good thing we got her a dozen!

Below:  I just love her curls.

Below:  Future graffiti artist? 

Below:  K loves to climb on the rocks in our flower bed.

Below:  There is an empty lot across the street from our house that we frequent often.  There are a lot of different kinds of flowers/weeds K likes to look at.

Below:  Picking some flowers.

Below:  We can't ever do things the easy way.  

Below:  Feeding cows with Grandpa and Madison.

Below:  Playing in a mud puddle at Grandma Brenda.

Below:  Playing in the dirt.  If there is dirt/mud K will find it.

Below:  K and I were going to wait for Dad to get home in the garage because it was raining.  K didn't care about the rain and went outside to play anyways.

Below:  Sitting in our neighbors flower garden admiring the pretty orange flowers (and not picking them).

Below:  Throwing rocks again at the neighbors house.

Below:  Puddle stomping!  We puddle stomp a lot.

Below:  Playing in the dirt.  All clothes are play clothes at our house.

Below:  Oliver is always nearby when we are outside exploring.

Below:  K sat on this rock for thirty minutes exploring everything on and around the rock.

Below:  More puddle stomping and playing in the mud.

Below:  Puddle stomping wasn't enough... K had to puddle sit.

Below:  Having lunch outside.

Below:  Her big cheese was cracking me up.

Below:  Pulling more flowers off our plants.

Below:  Examining a yellow flower she picked.

Below:  Playing with the water hose.

Below:  This face pretty much tells you how much she was enjoying herself.

Until Next Time