There is only one happiness in life -- to love and to be loved.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Post Date: 2011-03-23

Wow this feels like it sure has been a busy month. Ryan and I have both been very busy at work and there is always something to do at school. Things do not appear to be slowing down anytime soon either. We have a lot of special people in our lives getting married in the upcoming months and we look forward to attending and witnessing their special day.

March Madness is in full swing and this is the second year I have filled out a bracket. Last year I too the proud honors of beating both Ryan and Greg with my picks. Sorry guys, I have to take advantage of this as long as I can. You are both currently beating me at the moment. Watch out though... all my final four picks are still in the tournament.

Other big news: Ryan's company announced on Monday that they are moving their entire operation to Oklahoma City. They will be located in the old Devon building. Ryan and I are still gathering information and going to meetings provided for us by the company to see what this will mean for us. Keep us in your prayers as we travel this new journey.

Onto the pictures!!!

Below: Grandma loving on Ava. Ava is amazing. It does not matter what is going on or what the noise level is, she can sleep anywhere.

Below: Uncle Jake and Tad were playing football with a balloon.

Below: Tad was using a Tupperware container on his head for a football helmet so we went and found his real one.

Below: Loving on Ms. Ava. She has the neatest little personality.

Below: Addison and her Momma playing.

Below: Tad and his Momma playing with the farm animals.

Below: Ryan and I gave Tad a late birthday present. New shoes! Tad loves shoes and these light up!

Below: Tad checking out his shoes!

Below: Tad ran into things he was so interested in watching his shoes light up.

Below: Ava napping on Lisa.

Below: Ava and I hanging out. Check out her cute overalls.

Below: Angie was teasing Tad and wearing his new shoes.

Below: Tad loves for "My Tiff" and Uncle Jake read him books.

Below: Ava and her Momma having a chat.

Below: The Greedy gang!

Below: I went and visited Addison... she was in a smiley mood!

Below: Addison looks perplexed in the next two pictures.

Below: Tigger is Ben and Angie's cat. He is so sweet.

Below: Then I went and visited Tad and Ava. This is just a random shot I caught of Tad being silly.

Below: Ava was pooped out.

Below: Ryan comes up with some pretty awesome meals. This one is a chicken breast, stuffed with cheese, wrapped in bacon, with a chicken broth gravy. YUM!

Below: This is how far behind I am... it snowed!!!

Below: Funny story. We had a big drift in our driveway. Everything had started to melt and I thought that I could ram my car through the drift to make more room in our driveway. Ryan then spent about 45 minutes digging my car out.

Below: This is Addison's "I'm thinking I might get upset" face.

Below: Ava and Momma! I sure see the Little in Ava.

Below: Heck yeah Addison is a Packers fan! LOL

Below: Tad knows where I keep the Reese's in my purse. He had to take a seat and concentrate on getting it open.

Below: "My Tiff" and Tad are playing with the poker chips.

Below: Poppa and Addison hanging out.

Below: Gigi and Ava hanging out.

Below: The girls! I can't wait to watch them grow up together.

Below: Addison and I chatting about something funny!

Below: Bryan and Addison hanging out.

Below: Ava passed out. That girl can sleep anywhere!

Below: Addison tuckered out.

Below: Tad racing around on his scooter.

Below: If you were there... you know what was going on in the next few pictures.

Below: Ava's smile lights up her whole face!

Below: Angie helping Tad give Ben a wedgie...

Below: Ryan and Addison. Just love the look on her face.

Below: Loving on Ava.

Below: Ryan and I with the girls!

Below: Tiffany and Addison were singing along to some songs.

Until Next Time:
