There is only one happiness in life -- to love and to be loved.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Julie has a blog??? One would begin to wonder since I haven't posted in over a month! I uploaded these pictures like 2 weeks ago and just haven't had the time to sit down and type. What has been keeping my from this place I love so much??
- School... The UCO library and I have became great friends!
- School... Group projects. (DISLIKE) Just finished my first group project. We had to write a paper over a business leader and compare him to certain leadership theories. Tabatha (awesome partner) and I did our research paper of Jack Welch. If you have the time his book Jack: Straight from the Gut is a very interesting read.
- School... First exam... did okay
- School... They sure give us a lot to read in a week.
- Louie... Still not doing well. Not looking so good. My precious Louie.
- Family... Addison Sue Reinschmiedt is here!!! Thursday, October 7, at 2:55pm. Everyone is doing great!

We celebrated Alyssa's birthday well over a month ago. I can't believe she is already four years old! Time does really fly by. She is such a precious little girl. Smartest four year old I know!! The whole family was together. Megan and Mike were able to make it. A fun time was had by all!! Below are some pictures from Alyssa's special day!

Below: Erica and Kelley made this awesome cake.

Below: G-Baby had just finished getting a drink. Even with the soaked shirt, he is sporting those sun glasses! Watch out ladies!

Below: Grayson was lounging in the Elmo chair... to funny!
Below: Uncle Mike was reading Alyssa a book. She LOVES for him to read her books.
Below: Alyssa said "Are you ready guys??"
Below: And then got embarrassed when we started to sing to her. To sweet.
Below: Alyssa opening up her presents. Yes, that is a princess crown she is wearing!
Below: That was a heavy one!!!
Below: Erica and Kelley got Alyssa a princess bike. She is very into princess things these days!!
Below: Kelley and Alyssa were playing doctor.

Corn Harvest:

It has been awhile huh... I have corn harvest pictures!

Below: Tad was riding with his Daddy. He loves the big green tractors and combines. I have officially lost favorite status to those green machines! Lol

Below: Ben and Bryan were heading to the back of the field.
Below: Jake was bringing the truck back from dumping at the COOP.
Below: Supper time. Uncle Jake was showing Tad where his pockets are... and how to use them. Momma now finds rocks and different things at the bottom of her washer. :)
Below: Uncle Jake and Tad were playing with the rocks.
Below: Such a sweet little boy. He just loves the outdoors.
Below: Uncle Ben was teasing Tad. He had so much fun that evening with his uncles and Daddy.
Below: Uncle Jake taught Tad how to honk the semi horn.
Until next time

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Carson - Turtle #3

Well... I have officially been in class for four weeks now, and have really only had about 1/2 session of class. We had an MBA orientation last class period, no class this week, and then back at it the 14th. Our first exam is September 21!!!! (Yeah, do the math, after 1.5 sessions). Not sure how that is going to work, but my guess is not good. That lovely week is followed by my group project being due. (Have I mentioned before how much I HATE GROUP PROJECTS) This one requires a 9 page paper. I don't mind papers... when I don't have to write them with a group. Don't think they haven't been keeping me busy though!

GO POKES! Another game this weekend! I will probably go tailgate... oh wait a minute... read the paragraph above.

Ben and Angie have a baby shower this weekend. I am so excited for them. They have about one month left and then Minnie will be here! Minnie is not her name. Prior to being born (they kept the name a secret) Tad was called Sherman, Ben and Angie's is called Minnie, and Bryan and Ashley's second is called Bradlea. We will know soon!! WOO HOO! Ben and Angie will be great parents and I am so happy for them.

Now for what you all really come here for, the pictures. Yes I know, you suffer through my writing just for the pictures... It is cool though, everyone likes books with pictures better!

Below: Meet turtle survivor #3. His name is Carson. Mom and I found him on the way home from church one day. We saw another one further down the road, but due to traffic, he was on his own.

Below: Carson does not look as near excited as I do!
Below: Off he goes!
Below: Tad and I were hanging out before dinner. His little train went up and down the street more times than I can count!
Below: Tad and the stray kitty have become friends... and he is now friends with her baby kittens.
Below: Ben and Angie were teaching Tad how to car surf.
Below: Tad and his Momma were playing ring around the rosy!
Below: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASHLEY!!! You must really be getting old!! It took TWO people to light all the candles on your cake! HAHA!
Below: Make a wish!
Below: Tad enjoys Gigi's shock treat cake just as much as his Momma does. He ate all the icing off of Lisa's cake.
Below: Love this face! Uncle Ben and Tad were playing with the water hose outside.
Below: Tad's favorite version of ring around the rosy can be seem in the next few pictures.

Below: Grandma Brenda, Tad and Bryan were playing with a top.
Below: Tad greeting his Dad with some high fives!
Below: Tad likes for us to take pictures and then look at them on the camera. I don't know how many we have like this one by now. Lol
Below: Tad was having a great time going to get the mail. He would throw his head back and laugh...
Below: I believe Uncle Ryan might have been influencing the actions in this picture!
Below: I think Uncle Ben and Tad were talking about "spider pig."
Below: Tad was sharing his juice with Ryan.

Until Next Time: Save a Turtle!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I Survived!

My last post was about my anxiety leading up to the start of school. I have now been to class for two weeks. It is going okay, but I am still trying to get a feel for things.

The first day of class included introductions, going over the syllabus, AND assignments. I had a bit of a freak out with one of the assignments they gave us. For starters, it is a GROUP assignment (not really a fan of those, but I better get used to them because I will have them the whole way through). Long story short I thought the assignment was due the following week and I was freaking out about it. I have a really good partner, but this is going to take a lot of work and reading. I thought I was going to have to take off work to get this all done!! It is due in week 7 so all is good. Other than that freak out, things have started off very well.

It is Labor Day weekend and Ryan and I really do not have much planned. Ryan went to the OSU vs. Washington State game this evening (I got him season tickets for his birthday), but other than that we are being lazy bums. It is some much needed relaxation time for us both.

Update on Louie: The OSU vets think Louie may be zinc deficient. So now he is taking zinc along with a vitamin and the same antibiotic to see if there is improvement. I am not getting my hopes up yet but am keeping my quills crossed... it looks like there is some improvement and a possibility that we may have some quills starting to grow!!! I will keep you updated.

The boys have started and finished corn harvest. Below are some pictures:

Below: Tad was helping his Dad finish his supper. The sooner he finished, the sooner Tad could go ride! Funny story... Tad was eating a hot dog out in the field one day. Bryan said "Tad, as soon as you finish eating your hot dog you can come ride with me." Tad immediately threw down his hot dog, grabbed Bryan's hand and was ready to go.

Below: Off to ride the combine.
Below: I got to ride the combine with Ben for awhile. Here is our view of the corn getting ready to be harvested.
Below: Yep the corn is taller than me. I typically do not go to the field in my work clothes and heels. Car had a flat tire on the way home from work and Mom had to come get me. And yes... I can change a tire.
Below: Bryan and Tad working hard!
Below: Jacob and Tad were watching Ben cut corn.
Below: Tad got a good lesson from his Uncle Jake on corn harvest.
Below: Tad and I rode with Uncle Jake to Hunter to dump the truck.
Below: Ashley had been gone for a few days training for her job. She was almost home so we put Tad in a nice shirt and fixed his hair so he would look nice for his Mom. They were both so excited to see each other.
Below: Tad on his way out to take supper to the field. I just love this picture of him looking out the window.
Below: Thank goodness they make combines with an extra seat now. Ben and Jake would look awful funny trying to fit into one seat!!
Below: Tad was passing time as he was waiting on his Dad to finish dinner. He jumps off of everything now. He has no fear!
Below: Finally Dad is finished and the family goes for a ride.
Below: The boys were harvesting the field right behind Jake's house and Honey came to see us. She is such a sweet dog. It was to far for Dakota to come.
I know I promised pictures of Alyssa's birthday. I haven't forgot. It will not be the next post either... I am still playing catch up. It will some soon!

Until next time: