The next 5 days will be very busy for us, but a good busy. Christmas Eve we are going to Ryan's parents house for our Christmas there. Everyone will be there and it will be a lot of fun. Megan and Mike will be in for a couple days so it will be nice getting to see them. We haven't seen them since August. This will also be Grayson's first Christmas!!!
Christmas day we are having Christmas at my Mom's house with the family. We always have a great time. This will be Tad's first Christmas as well. He has enjoyed the tree very much the past couple of weeks.
On Sunday we are having Christmas at my Dad's house in Tulsa. It is always a good time and the family will get to stay for a couple of days so it will be a lot of fun.
Ditch Witch always has a week shut down during the Christmas holiday. This year it is the week following Christmas. Ryan has taken that whole week off as well. We really do not have anything planned. Just a bunch of hanging out and relaxing.
Below are some random pictures of Tad and what has been going on lately. When I uploaded them they got out of order and I didn't take the time to fix them. :)
Below: Uncle Ben rigged up this neat toy into a makeshift wagon and Tad LOVES it! I think he would let us pull him around all day in that thing.

Below: Tad's socks make awesome ear muffs!! I put them on my ears and he would smile and run over and pull them off.
Below: Tad thought he was pretty cool sitting in the middle of the greedy game. He kept trying to eat the dice.
Below: Tad was tired and Ashley kept going in and out getting his things together. He was tired and kept thinking she was leaving so Grandma and Tad watched her through the bathroom window to make sure she came back.
Below: Everytime Tad hears the door, he has to run over and see who it is. It was Poppa this time. He LOVES Gigi and Poppa. Poppa can get the biggest laughs out of this little guy. So cute.
Below: I will have to post a picture of Mom's Christmas tree before Tad and after Tad. The ornaments are now about 1/3 of the way up the tree. Tad pulls them off and then runs.

Below: Aunt Jan won this bike for Tad at some event. He hasn't grown into it yet, but he thinks it is a blast. Uncle Jake pushed him around forever last night. Tad was so proud of himself.
Below: Tad was helping Grandma sweep the floor.

Below: We play hard... but we crash even harder.
As I sit here and reflect upon this past year, I feel very blessed. I have a wonderful husband and I love him very much. I have an amazing family and have been blessed with new additions this year! Tad and Grayson were both born this year and they are such a joy. Ben married Angie in July and we are so happy to have her as part of our family. Family is my life (as if you can't tell through this blog :) ) May each and every one of you have a blessed Christmas and new year. I know 2010 will be a great year!
Love you all!